
Binder nbviewer

In this file, we will show the different partition of the state space implemented

  • classical grid (composed of regular hyperrectangles)
  • deformed grid
  • nested classical grid
  • ellipsoidal partition based on a grid

First, let us import a few packages that are necessary to run this example.

using Dionysos
using StaticArrays
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots

The main package Dionysos provides most important data structures that we will need.

const DI = Dionysos
const UT = DI.Utils
const DO = DI.Domain

Classical grid (composed of regular hyperrectangles)

x0 = SVector(0.0, 0.0)
h = SVector(1.0 / 5, 1.0 / 5)
grid = DO.GridFree(x0, h)
rectX = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(-2, -2), SVector(2, 2));
domainX = DO.DomainList(grid)
DO.add_set!(domainX, rectX, DO.INNER)
plot(; aspect_ratio = :equal);
Example block output

Deformed grid

We define some invertible transformation (with their inverse)

function f1(x)
    return x
function fi1(x)
    return x
function f2(x)
    return SVector(x[2] + sin(x[1]), x[1])
function fi2(x)
    return SVector(x[2], x[1] - sin(x[2]))
function f3(x)
    return SVector(x[1] * cos(x[2]), x[1] * sin(x[2]))
function fi3(x)
    return SVector(sqrt(x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]), atan(x[2], x[1]))
function rotate(x, θ)
    R = @SMatrix [
        cos(θ) -sin(θ)
        sin(θ) cos(θ)
    return R * x
function build_f_rotation(θ; c = SVector(0.0, 0.0))
    function f(x)
        return rotate(x - c, θ) + c
    function fi(x)
        return rotate(x - c, -θ) + c
    return f, fi

function plot_deformed_grid_with_DomainList(f, fi)
    X = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(0.0, 0.0), SVector(30.0, 2 * π))
    grid = DO.GridFree(SVector(0.0, 0.0), SVector(3.0, 0.3))
    Dgrid = DO.DeformedGrid(grid, f, fi)
    dom = DO.DomainList(Dgrid)
    DO.add_set!(dom, X, DO.INNER)
    plot(; aspect_ratio = :equal)
    return plot!(dom; show = true)

function plot_deformed_grid_with_GeneralDomain(f, fi)
    X = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(0.0, 0.0), SVector(30.0, 2 * π))
    obstacle = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(10.0, 10.0), SVector(15.0, 15.0))
    hx = [3.0, 0.3]
    d = DO.RectangularObstacles(X, [obstacle])
    dom = DO.GeneralDomainList(hx; elems = d, f = f, fi = fi, fit = true)
    plot(; aspect_ratio = :equal)
    return plot!(dom; show = true)
plot_deformed_grid_with_GeneralDomain (generic function with 1 method)

Display some deformed Grids

plot_deformed_grid_with_DomainList(f2, fi2)
plot_deformed_grid_with_GeneralDomain(f2, fi2)
Example block output
plot_deformed_grid_with_DomainList(f2, fi2)
plot_deformed_grid_with_GeneralDomain(f2, fi2)
Example block output
plot_deformed_grid_with_DomainList(f3, fi3)
plot_deformed_grid_with_GeneralDomain(f3, fi3)
Example block output
f, fi = build_f_rotation(π / 3.0)
plot_deformed_grid_with_DomainList(f, fi)
Example block output

Nested classical grid

X = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(0.0, 0.0), SVector(30.0, 30.0))
obstacle = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(15.0, 15.0), SVector(20.0, 20.0))
hx = [3.0, 1.0] * 2.0
periodic = Int[1]
periods = [30.0, 30.0]
T0 = [0.0, 0.0]
d = DO.RectangularObstacles(X, [obstacle])
dom = DO.GeneralDomainList(
    elems = d,
    periodic = periodic,
    periods = periods,
    T0 = T0,
    fit = true,
Ndomain = DO.NestedDomain(dom)
DO.cut_pos!(Ndomain, (2, 2), 1)
DO.cut_pos!(Ndomain, (2, 3), 1)
DO.cut_pos!(Ndomain, (4, 4), 2)

fig = plot(; aspect_ratio = :equal, legend = false);
Example block output

Ellipsoidal partition based on a grid

x0 = SVector(0.0, 0.0)
n_step = 2
h = SVector(1.0 / n_step, 1.0 / n_step)
P = 0.5 * diagm((h ./ 2) .^ (-2))
rectX = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(-2, -2), SVector(2, 2))

grid = DO.GridEllipsoidalRectangular(x0, h, P, rectX)
domain = DO.DomainList(grid)
DO.add_set!(domain, grid.rect, DO.OUTER)
plot(; aspect_ratio = :equal);
Example block output

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